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The most exceptional new creations from the world's premier jeweler. This exquisitely produced, luxurious tome presents one hundred of the latest creations by the famous jeweler, from high jewelry to precious objects. The Cartier style comes from a wide range of sources and inspirations-the mystery and opulence of China, India, and the Orient; the dynamic geometry of art deco; the energy of modern cities; the voluptuousness of orchids; and the strength and grace of panthers. Influences constantly evolve with the times yet remain faithful to the original style of Louis Cartier, the master of Parisian elegance and the art of high jewelry since the dawn of the twentieth century. Series: Langue anglaise Hardcover: 372 pages Publisher: Flammarion (March 17, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 2080201948 ISBN-13: 978-2080201942 Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 1.1 x 13.2 inches Shipping Weight: 5.6 pounds

Cartier Royal: High Jewelry and Precious Objects

SKU: 9782080201942

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