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Twenty-five world-class designers invite us inside their private French residences, providing intimate access to their creative universe and rich inspiration for home style. ** Stepping inside the private residences of France's leading tastemakers provides unrivaled inspiration for interiors with a personal flair. From a modernist retreat to an urban-pop apartment, and from an eclectic cabinet of curiosities to an eighteenth-century h?tel particulier, each ambiance demonstrates a perfect mastery of associations between color, pattern, volume, material, and decorative genius. ** Pierre Yovanovitch's elegant, purist sensitivity infuses his seventeenth-century ch?teau in Provence. Pierre Passebon, owner of the famous Galerie du Passage in Paris, has furnished his carefully curated home with a brilliant mix of tribal art, Wiener Werkst&aauml;tte masterpieces, and design from the 1930s. Jewelry designer Lorenz B&aauml;umer's own interior creations complement the resolutely contemporary pieces by modern masters such as Ingo Maurer, Ettore Sottsass, and Verner Panton in his light-filled, constantly evolving apartment. Fashion designer Gilles Dufour's eclectic collections include nineteenth-century history paintings, classical sculptures, and Christian B?rard drawings, displayed alongside a menagerie of sculptures by Claude and Fran?ois-Xavier Lalanne. ** These private residences, each created by a world-class aesthete with a discerning eye, offer up a rich palette of inspired ideas for the home. Hardcover: 364 pages Publisher: Flammarion (October 31, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 2080203975 ISBN-13: 978-2080203977 Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 1.6 x 12.5 inches Shipping Weight: 6.1 pounds

Tastemakers At Home In France

SKU: 9782080203977

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