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Handmade rugs are perpetual objects of desire, sought after for their expressive designs and intricate combinations of pattern and color. Whether hand-knotted or handwoven, their tactile quality completes any well-furnished interior. A rug often occupies fully a third of a room and, if antique, is also often its most expensive single item, yet there has never been a book presenting decorative carpets as an integral component of interior design until now. Decorative carpet expert Alix G. Perrachon has, for the first time, compiled a book to guide all interested in placing handmade carpets in contemporary spaces?from individual homeowners to interior designers and their clients. Inside, thirty-two of America?s most celebrated designers?including Penny Drue Baird, Samuel Botero, Clodagh, Jamie Drake, David Easton, Thomas Jayne, Juan Montoya, Suzanne Tucker, Bunny Williams, and Vicente Wolf?discuss in animated terms how, and which pieces, they choose from the infinite array of handmade decorative carpets available in the market today. Their selections are illustrated with luxurious images drawn from their own work, revealing rugs ranging from Agras, Aubussons, and Axminsters to modern Tibetan and transitional designs in every style of interior from traditional to contemporary. In addition to engaging, accessible text and 300 full-color illustrations, The Decorative Carpet provides purchasing and care essentials, presents the twenty most popular types of rugs used by designers today?along with a brief description of the defining characteristics and history of each?and includes a glossary and suggestions for further reading, providing all the tools necessary for all those eager to explore the intriguing, expansive world of handmade decorative carpets to begin. Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: The Monacelli Press; 1st edition (September 28, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1580932991 ISBN-13: 978-1580932998 Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 1.2 x 11.3 inches Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds

The Decorative Carpet: Fine Handmade Rugs in Contemporary Interiors

SKU: 9781580932998

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